Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Indonesia, heaven or hell?

Yesterday, I phoned the Singapore embassy in Indonesia regarding some immigration issues that may yet haunt me in the very very near future. Actually, while waiting for someone to pick up the phone, I was curious. Why? I was wondering whether the person on the other end of the phone speaks english at all. As it turned out, the person does and does so with a heavy unmistakable accent of a Singaporean. So I asked my questions, got my answers and I was about to hang the phone when just out of curiosity, I asked the person what it feels like to be in Indonesia (no my dear readers, I wasn't trying to get to know the person. Besides, its a he, not a she =) ). So he said, 'it isn't very much different from Singapore actually and its quite easy to adapt to life over here (Indonesia) aside from the cultural differences.' That is about as much as I made an effort to remember but apparently, this is one person who is quite impressed by the chaotic capital.

Ok, I thought that his response was unexpected. I wasn't expecting anything but my own answer is certainly nowhere near his because I just don't see how the environment here can be appealing. First, I have to admit that yes, my life here and my life in Singapore is a stark black-and-white contrast. So, MY perspective will no doubt be biased. Then again, maybe I have just lived too long in the clean and orderly environment of Singapore and thus presume that the average Singaporean would, like me, be repulsed by the dirt and dust of this polluted country. Obviously I am wrong.

I've always been wondering how citizens from all over the world actually view Indonesia. Whether they would baulk and blanch at this polluted country the way I do or they would love it as a second home. The reponse varies over wide spectrum as any other open-ended questions would invite, but I realise that just because Jakarta is dirty and the air is almost both unbearable and un-breathable, that does not mean its not a good place to live in. All one has to do is search and wherever he is, he might just be able to find something that actually suits him.

So after having a little debate with myself, I realise that what I hate so much every time I come back to Jakarta is not the place itself but the boredom that creeps up unseen upon me. To look at Jakarta from a brighter perspective, I spent my childhood here and this place holds memories of a long forgotten past. This place has some nice, albeit dirty (not to mention carcinogenic or of the fact that the food preparation process is actually a host of several possible viral diseases) food that I can't find in Singapore, a lawlessness that actually allows you freedom (come on, you don't get a lot of chances to bribe officials elsewhere ;) ), a 'cheapness' that makes you feel rich ( Rp. 20,000 / movie? Rp. 5000 / DVD?) and of course some nice sight-seeing holiday destinations that helps rejuvenate the body and mind.

OkOk, I am sure the policemen will be happy that for once someone actually praises corruption. Lets not get into more details lest some officers in uniforms start hunting the blog down. Nonetheless, despite me acknowledging that Indonesia has a brighter side to it than simply being a life-consuming hell, I still don't like it (hey,at least now I've stopped hating it). Jakarta still has problems after all.

I still dream of my utopia. Some lawless island where everything goes they way I (emphasis on the word I =) ) want it to be. A fantasy perhaps that is but a dream away...

p.s. watch my flight come 28th July~


tch316 said...

lol...28th i will be in china already =( sad
maybe its that you haven explore the land enough thats why you hate it.
every country has their own good and bad, none of them is a perfect place for living.
look for the good. Close one eye for the bad or if possible change it.
thats how i changed my thoughts about china.
anyway, heres an intresting article... : http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/06/04/indonesia.komodo.reut/index.html
wondering if you will come across this..lol~~

Anonymous said...

cool....28 july ? means its holiday time for poly? when ?

alEx` said...

no lah.. it's his overseas attachment from this coming mon till sept.. 2 weeks poly break now.. and i'm attached to SGH for 5 months. by then you'll be back.

Anonymous said...

that sounds nice....=)
free trip overseas, living in cramped quarters? lol
5 months ? long long....