Where we went I had already forgotten. Anyway though on the 2nd day I had the company of my brother as my tour guide. Basically, we went to an area that is an hour's drive away from the residential areas. As secluded as it is, its the perfect place to grow fruits. Yes we were actually visiting farms. Just a pity that the current winter season is not the time for harvesting. As shown in the pictures, the trees are stripped bare. No trace of leaves at all. The usual harvesting season is between March or April till the end of June. What do they grow? Quite a number of fruits. Persimmons, pears, apples etc..
The visit though, was just an additional stop to the true destination. After the brief visit, we continued further to the Wungong suburb to see the Wungong reservoir.
If you look at the pictures, well, its a picture of our lunch. We had a fantastic lunch outing out in the open by the reservoir amid the freezing gale. I have tried BBQ in Hong Kong, Singapore and now Perth. I must say though this is by far the most special one of all. The pits here are free for all to use and what is better is that the grill is heated by LPG, so there is no need to build a fire using a mountain of charcoal pieces. In a few minutes, the food were getting heated and we kept close to the pit, which doubly acts as a pit and also as a heater. BBQ-ing out there in the afternoon in the middle of winter is cool really. Its not romantic, but hey couples out there, try BBQ-ing out on your own. Just the 2 of you. Its going to be special.
On with the story, we continued surveying the reservoir, with my brother giving me lessons on structural foundations. I had to recall the physics that I lost 8 months ago and it was unthinkable that what I had learned can be put to use so practically in the structure of the dam.
Now that I've sort of an additional knowledge, reservoir has become a cool place, a place of structural and natural wonder.

Anyone wondering what kind of apple I have in my hand? That is actually an ice cream. Peach flavoured to be exact, with a crusty layer and an inner chocolate core which seems so realistically true. Bon apetite~
i want that apple!
Gostei muito desse post e seu blog é muito interessante, vou passar por aqui sempre =) Depois dá uma passada lá no meu site, que é sobre o CresceNet, espero que goste. O endereço dele é http://www.provedorcrescenet.com . Um abraço.
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