Now that I am in my last phase of my holiday in Perth and that I am at least able to post some pictures, let me just share the delights of my travel for the past one week since I've arrived here.
The house has apparently undergone some serious dilapidation due to a lack of care. To put it simply, the house looks more like a storehouse. However lets not delay my story.
Ok, so the weather here is comfy cold. I am not too sure how cold it is but last I heard its something like 16 degrees celsius, pretty much like when I went to Hong Kong last December. Good thing is, you'll never sweat, but its very dry around here.
Day 1 :
Pretty much spend the whole time in the city. Nothing much has changed since I last came 3 years ago. Shops still close early, and people are going about with their stuff in a semi-serious attitude.
With my sis as the tour guide, we made a visit to the Swan Bells Tow
Why it got its name is pretty apparent I guess. I don't know about you people, but that brown coloured covering looks like the swan's wings to me and that light blue tower is the neck.
What is inside? A lesson about Perth's history and bells, a whole range of them and hence its name Swan Bells Tower.
Its only 6 storeys high actually, but once on top, believe me your head will be swimming. What got me when I stepped out of the lift wasn't the height but rather, the metal girdles that pave the floor which have spaces wide enough for a mobile phone to slip through. So, the rather 'holey' girdles you stand on six floors up is really a daunting sight, especially when you don't know how strong it is. The platform with the girdles is supported only by thick wires. Scary.
Nonetheless, once atop the platform, you command a breathtaking sight of the Swan River, the city, and the residential suburbs across the river. Its quite a scenery really, a city that is leisurely yet orderly on one side juxtaposed with the greeneries of lawns and trees of houses at the other end of the bank.
A nice place really, a good place to spend your time looking blankly around while letting your mind relax.
---> Me squinting against the bright afternoon sun atop the tower.
If anyone noticed at all, the picture on top is actually a reflection of the 2 of us and not a picture of real physical bodies. See, we had to zoom out so that we can take a picture of something other than our faces (like the pic to the left) and my arm is too short to provide for the distance. Thus the mirror gives a good image. =)