Wow... Yea wow... It has actually been one-and-a-half weeks since I went down to Gonong Arong. And here I am now, finally writing about my experience albeit, one-and-a-half weeks late. I've been busy. I've been busy spending money that is. Well I am sure there is nothing wrong with indulging in the art of money-splurging once in a while. Fingers-crossed, I hereby solemnly swear to God(if there is even one at all) that I shall stop my shopping spree.
Anyway, back to my trekking experience, my friend whos is in ODAC called me at night before the actual day to ask me if I was interested in going down to recce with them. Apparently one of her recce team members couldn't make it. I thought, 'sure, sounds cool!' and that is what started my short trip to Malaysia.
I will have to say that the travelling time on its own is more tiring than the actual trek. Ok, I am exaggerating, but you know, it was a 3 hour trip from the immigration centre in JB to wherever we were trekking back then. So to and fro, that was a total of 6 hours. Hell man, boredom stretches your patience and I am no patient man. To top it up, the bus ride there was in a bus with air conditioning that works like a heater. Yes, we were sweating crazy before we even started the trek.
To cut long story short though, we eventually reached the house of our tour guide, not before getting scammed by some crafty old taxi driver. Yes, to cut the long story short, I wouldn't elaborate on that sly trickster. We met the nice lady who provided us with two young escorts as our guides and we are off on our way!
First thing that I noticed as we began our ascent up the Gonong(I've no idea why they spe
ll it gonong instead of gunung as they do in Indonesia) is the sheer steepness of the slope that we have to climb. You have got to wear something with good traction lest you want to risk hurting yourself there. What is even better though, is that there is only one single walkable route that is at times surrounded by trees and at other times by nothing save for a long jump down to the ground beneath. 'So what ?' you might think but as we reach up above some ten twenty metres, you realise that you are walking on a solitary path and there is no going back, only forward. A wrong step to your right or left will throw you off balance and if you are unfortunate enough, it will be 'sayonara my friend, I'll see you at the bottom of the hill.'

It took us about an hour to reach the peak. We had a good workout, working out quite some amount of sweat but the scenery was in all honesty, worth the trek up. Standing at the peak of Gonong Arong looking down at the beach and nearby islands, that was a breathtaking scene. All along you went up the hill surrounded by endless rows of trees and suddenly there was a clearing and you are able to have a good view around. That experience was fulfiling. it was wonderful. You will feel the satisfaction of having gone so far to immerse yourself in mother nature, to feel her arms close around you in a warm welcoming hug.

And once again, to cut the long story short, suffice to say that we eventually managed to reach singapore at about an hour or so before midnight, effectively missing the finale of the English Premier League.
Just a short summary of what went on in between though, another money-sucking taxi driver and an uncomfortable 3 hour ride back to customs, a bunch of kiasu people rushing to get back home pushing and squeezing each other in the customs as well as bus and of course, missing the last train home.
For all that it is worth though, I had fun back then. It was a great trek and a good recce.